Sunday, 27 March 2011
♥; Elizabeth
"I think I'm finally growing up - and about time."
"I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I'm not afraid to look behind them."
"My mother says I didn't open my eyes for eight days after I was born, but when I did, the first thing I saw was an engagement ring. I was hooked."
"It's not the having, it's the getting."
"I've only slept with men I've been married to. How many women can make that claim?"
Rest In Peace. Your legacy would never fade.
Labels: elizabeth taylor
Saturday, 26 March 2011
♥; Beard Papa's cream puffs
I Love custard puffs. I like the typical western bite sized custard puffs ,also the doughnut textured creamy vanilla puff, all from local bakeries here.
I guess God wanted me to show mah curves more cuz now we have Beard Papa's in the house!! Beard Papa's cream puffs is a cream puff chain store originating from Nihon. And it's here now in our shores!
The difference, and a very apparent one for that, with Beard Papa puffs and the aforementioned ones is their emphasis on freshness and quality. I don't mean that the previous puffs are Unfresh in any way. Hell no, mama ain't want no stale buns. mm Hmm! *arm on fat waist.
Reasons I would prefer Beard Papa's buns:
1) The crispy exterior
Most puffs we have in Brunei have a soft doughey texture. Nothing wrong with that, but this is something different. It's not the uniqueness that wins the case of course. The pastry has a double layered outer crust sprinkled that is oh so crispy. This is topped of with a sprinkle of ICING SUGAR (this is written in caps to emphasize my affection to icing sugar) and just goes Perfectly with the cold cream, Especially if the buns are freshly whisked out from the oven (cooled first of course).
2) The fresh cold vanilla cream!
Again, for comparison purposes, for most buns in Brunei, the fillings, whatever it is, are generally pre-filled and placed in display cases, on its own, chilled, or heated. The difference with Beard Papa's buns are, the custard is always made fresh, chilled, and placed in a stainless steel barrel ( i don't know how to term this thing,lol), and pumped inside the puff
in front of you WHEN you place your order. Now tell me that ain't fresh.
3) Natural ingredients
Those of you who bake know that vanilla essence is quite a staple ingredient in most recipes, whether a plain sponge cake, a lemony tart, or a cheesy cheese cake. So it only makes sense if vanilla essence is used in vanilla custard puffs no? Apparently this is not the case. I was amazed and almost touched with their "natural" philosophy and that they manually scrape the vanilla pods and uses Just that for an authentic gustation.
4) The Friendly Staff
Of course, I can't say that the staff are Enthusiastically friendly per se, but I like that they are really polite. Whatever a situation, the member at task would explain to the customer and also apologize earnestly, if required - for instance, the waiting time.
Some people complain about the waiting time. But if you think about their motto, doesn't it make sense that there should be some time provision for each customer to be served? As mentioned, the puffs are baked Fresh and the cream is NOT pre-filled beforehand. This makes it even more challenging to operate and I salute them for that.
Last but not lease, for very superficial reasons,ahem , there ARE certainly a couple of eye candies in the store. bwaahahaha.. *shifty eyed
On a different note, please pray for coutries hit with the recent natural disasters, whether it's Japan, China, Myanmar etc.
Koibito and I have donated to the Japanese Red Cross. You can too by clicking here.
Source:google images. Look at that crust!
this is mine. the yummy filling, do you spot a speck of vanilla inside?
Congratulatory flowers on the opening day. so.. pretty
From my family
Corals and oranges. Some of the current trending colours
~~O Fusen O~~
The brightly lit storefront
Friendly kitchen staff member
* The Cbox post about Horlick was written by KOIBITO!!! Haha fml!! He couldn't even spell "koibito" right up till this day. I asked him, "You've never bought any clothes for Horlick!!", which he defended, "No I always play the raggedy cloths with her!!"... Yes... he didn't know that the plural of CLOTH is CLOTHS...not CLOTHES.... lolol.. love this bunny.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
♥; Horlick
Horlick was Koibito's first dog. I could see that he fell in love with her once he set eyes on her. Months and months back he was whining to want to get a dog, especially a Labrador, but he never got one. I think God heard his prayers. Mimi gave birth to a litter of puppies and Horlick looks just like one!
I gave Horlick to him, albeit a tad unwillingly. In just a matter of 2 weeks, she'd learnt to some of his basic commands like "sit", albeit not perfectly. All in all, I could really see he was happy.
She would play with him whenever he got home in the evening. Howl when he bathed her, then frolicked around the lawn again. And when he sat on the ground to take a puff after a long day, she would sit beside him, like a friend who was just there for you, without having to say anything.
One day.. when he arrived home, Horlick was nowhere to be seen in her usual spot. There wasn't a hint of yapping nearby........ Koibito's parents had given her away...:' (
I know this is a great grief to him .. but as an obedient son, this is the fact that he has to accept.
Daddy and mommy miss you Horlick.
Labels: koibito, labrador, white puppy
♥; It's been a long time
Hola muchachas.
I feel kind of ashamed that i haven't been documenting my memories in my lil handy book (which i seem to have misplaced), yet again here. *ASHAMED*
Life seems moderately okay at the moment. Things with koibito took a dramatic downhill a few weeks ago, but it all happened for the better and we appreciate each other more now :) hehe
After weeks and weeks of anticipation, finally I got to know my supplementary result. I'm happy with it.
I kind of feel bad about something. I turned down an invitation to my great grand mother's birthday celebration in Kuching because I still had to do my teaching practice and can't afford to take any leaves. Koibito says I shouldn't risk my academics or my career for this. I guess he's right. I've never met my great grandmother. In fact, I've never met my grandparents from my mother's side till I was... 17? On the other hand, I've NEVER met my great grandmother.... how many years does she still have.. and she's never met her own great granddaughter : (
One thing that really touched my heart was how my uncle and his wife came all the way from Kuching to visit us. I was 17 then and it felt weird at first because I've never met these people in my life. and you're telling me we're related?
Haha. They were really nice to us and me and my sister even went to Kuching to visit them, where they provided us with their Utmost hospitality. <3
We still keep in touch now, although I admit i do get lazy sometimes. Sometimes it really gets me thinking, is all that I'm doing, or Not doing in this case... Wrong?
Certain friends get upset with me because I supposedly don't keep in touch that often.
This makes me really sad. It makes me wonder, Have we changed? Is it me, or you?
And it also makes me wonder, why am I the one getting blamed? Why isn't it a double edged sword ( wrong idiom i know) instead of one poking straight to me?
However, I also realize that there will never be concurrence in this subject area. As a 23 year old young adult, any close childhood friend would've gone through with me the happy and ugly, thick and thin together. Therefore, I take this as a reminder to put forth more initiatives. *headband on*
I'm not a pessimistic person as an entirety, but I think i stray far from being optimistic either. That's why I find it a necessity to engulf myself with positive people. They make me laugh and smile :)
These are some of my favourite people. I can truly feel their sincerity and I know that they'll Always have my back :)
this little girl with a BIG heart
she is like a big sister to me.
And to all other girlfriends out there. Thank you for being such awesome people too. I know we don't always agree on the same things, but yal are irreplaceable :)

I made this video playlist at