Sunday, 14 March 2010
♥; Unlucky days
WHY the sudden bad luck??? :(
I ordered a pair of contacts from a friend and waited (im)patiently for it for 3 weeks, with my old one playing tricks on my eyesight every now and then. And YAY, the day comes. I go and collect it. I come home, and i LOSE IT!!!
Have searched for it in all the ungodly places and no, i CAN'T find it! Impossible, but yes, i actually lost it the moment i got home, with the time span between receiving it and reaching home, say 15 minutes. OTL
Went for pedi and mani, and as usual, by night time, which is now, one of em miraculously chips. And the hardest work my fingers have done the whole day was to type frevently on the keyboard. With a deep sigh, i lug myself upstairs towards my luggage bag where all my cosmetics are to get a coat of clear polish on it, and........ to yet another horror, see my New Estee Lauder serum lying half dead inside. Apparently i forgot to close the cap this afternoon and here it is, puking fabulous poison and ofcourse, my $$$$ :'(
So cruellll :(:(:(:(
I am broke :(:(:(
I have not finished my assignments :(:(:(
*Pulls on headband across forehead. FIGHTING FIGHTING!!
Monday, 1 March 2010
♥; Happy Birthday
To the boy who is always happy go lucky
To the boy who always make me mad
To the boy whom i can discuss intellectual things with
To the boy who doesn't judge me
To the boy who thinks he is still 21
To the boy who just refuses to do his hair
To the boy who always gives me sound advice
To the boy who is sometimes clueless max
To the same boy who isn't that clueless after all
To the boy who plants me with kisses
To the boy i love so much
Happy Birthday
Woke up real early to make the cake and this. Herbal Chicken Soup. Spent the morning whipping flour, sweating, and playin with cute lil coussie.

i look so thin here wtf

I will be backhh

I hate traffic jams. Missed the Percy Jackson movie. Bought the Benjamin Button DVD instead :)

the setting sun
Very reluctantly, but for his sake, to I take back what i've said about Indian cuisine (from my experience at Le Taj). I LOVE this shit
Vegetable Briyanni, an eggplant dish, and a lamb dish. Very nice:)

My watermelon juice and his yummi Lassi
Labels: princess love