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Sunday, 31 May 2009
♥; Thank you
I am not perfect.. In fact, far from perfect from what you wish me to be. Still, you never gave up on me and to this day, provide me with the utmost love and care.

Thank you for bringing out the best in me

Thank you for never ever letting me down

Thank you for bringing me into this world

Thank you for letting me experience All the love you have to give

Thank you for all the burdens and hardships you had to go through because of me

Thank you for being both my father and mother

Sometimes, the simplest words may be the hardest to utter.
To the most important person in my life, thank you


22:02 Shimmerloved

Friday, 29 May 2009
♥; :)

It's been a super fabulous amazing magnificent week..and it's only just friday! oh, did i mention i had a good week?

Went for aerobics the other day with cuzzy. The instructor really one flow... funny can?
" One, two, tree, pour, one, two, tree, pour, what's the next step???!!"

The next morning i went to gym and brought my own CD to play, there wasn't anyone there and i felt like i had my own work-out place wtf. The music was blasting, and i was sweating, and suddenly there was this " WHooose CD is thaht??"
Ok. blind also know it's him. He came over to ask me what's the name of the song; I told him.
"Ohhh..poker pace"


Hahahah. Anyways, he's so sweet and funny I just gave the cd to him!

Haish, but gym also no use. My dad went to buy ayamku when he picked me up and even though i *cough insisted that i didn't want any, buy he did! I gave him two side kicks for that.

Decided to go to the beach to feeel feeel for awhile. The lil ones followed me.. Mimi, Momo, Beeba (eva), and mimi's teenage kids *jokes (p/s: they have new super adorable fluffy puppies now who look JUST like Lele! RIP Lele)

"My" beach

Mimi, afraid of the water.(evirrl laugh)

Beeba wanted to follow me to the water too. he's a mix of Dalmation and St.Bernard and is the most linsi dog i have ever seen in my whole life. lolll.

afraid of water too! whimpers away..

ugly slippers. I broke mine one day when i was rushing to the Hall for an exam FML. and i was so closee too! Had to limp over with the grace of a turtle. When i finally reached the hall, i actually held my slippers in my hand and walked barefoot amidst hundreds of people to my seat wtf.

As koibito was indifferent to my misfortune, HIS own slipper broke when we were out shopping the other day. Helloww karma (evirrl dictatorish laugh).
Karma it is, lol, i laughed back at him and today, Tau accidently stepped on my other pair of slippers on the way to the beach and it snapped.

Morale of the story: Laugh at people at your own risk and slippers fail on you at the most inappropriate times.

Photo copyright of Peizz

<3 5.28.09 Dumpling Festival@ the beach <3

02:36 Shimmerloved

Tuesday, 26 May 2009
♥; Girls and Age
Good afternooonn~~

I'm in a flowery mood..despite the fact that i should be having my menses and it haven't come yet.
My boobs ache, i've had emotional lashes at ppl (lol), and a REcurrent pimple. hello blood??

Yesterday my relative (popo) from Miri and a another family friend popo from Miri came over to.... have a sleepover. lol!
They, with my aunt and popo played those card games (car, bomb, horse..hahah that one) and had a girly session altogether.
Today, another two aunties came for a girly tea session. So altogether, there are 3 popos and 3 aunties there chit-chating about love life, old times, handy tips, other people (gossip!), own family..etc etc.

I remember the day with the girls in Miri, we were sitting beside a desk of middle aged women, and were kinda traumatized by the fact that one day we would become aunties, and like them wtf.

But come to think of it, isn't that a HUGE accomplishment per se? I mean, getting to live that long is already an achievement, with our lifestyle now. And.. having your own family.. sons..daughters.. Grandsons. granddaughters.., and having the skills to MANAGE your family; that, at that my current stage now.. is unbelievable..Honestly speaking, if i had a daughter or granddaughter like yours truly here, i would puke blood everyday wtf.

A big clap to all the aunties and popos. I salute u :)

15:34 Shimmerloved

Saturday, 23 May 2009
hahaha. wtf is this:

Today, my contact fell out and I couldn't see. So, I put it back in and I could see again. MLIA


Today, I accidentally spelled my last name wrong on a test. I was using pencil though, so I erased it and spelled it correctly. MLIA.


Today, I walked over to step on a crunchy looking leaf. I stepped on the leaf, but it wasn't crunchy. I kept walking. MLIA.


Today, I went to put ketchup on my burger but it came out sort of clear and runny. I shook the bottle and it came out thicker. MLIA

Hahaha! FTS! fyi, MLIA stands for My Life is Average

On another note, check out this song (originally by Prince i guess (who looks like my uncle))
I don't usually like jazzz..but this is quite nice:)

Urselle - Purple Rain

P/S: it's 10.48pm now... just 9 hours plus before the citizenship test. I wish all my beloved ones good luck! God BLess!

S' farnee. I hear tv sounds from my dad's room and i opened the door seeing him and my lil bro there watching some Disney cartoon. My dad has to watch these over WWE/ thrillers/ action movies..haha aww. <3

16:39 Shimmerloved

Friday, 22 May 2009
♥; Attitude in Life
Something to share


There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
"Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today."

So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
"H-M-M," she said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today."
So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.
"Well," she said, "today I'm going
to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair on her head.
"YAY!" she exclaimed. "I don't have to fix my hair today!"

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply,

Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...

It's about learning to dance in the rain.

People who know me well should know how inconsistent/ random i am. Sounds lame, but it's reading these stuff that grounds me to being a better person, consistently.

My take on attitude? It's Inborn. And It's shaped.
Through the growing years i have seen so many changes in my perspectives and on how to deal with things. I am still walking along this road, in search of Life. Along some parts of the road, i fall down and scrape myself, and some parts are too smooth I tend to get content.. bored... conceited. Many a times i am faced with sharp bends and detours, and i wonder which road i should take.

Forgive me for my mistakes, mentor me on what i should know, hold my hand and........
walk with me along this road.

23:51 Shimmerloved

Thursday, 21 May 2009
♥; Princess is ANGRYYY
One new thing i learned today which applies to my current mood:

FTS!!!! (fuck this shit)

When they don't get it, they reallly don't get it. Or they are too selfish to acknowledge it. Yes. the word S E L F I S H is evirrrlllllll!!

Imma be real cool and use this all the time now wtf

A: Hey wassup

Me: FTS and Fuck you!

A: Huh, gfy!

Me: FTS! and Fuck you back!

A: FML ;_;


22:29 Shimmerloved

Wednesday, 20 May 2009
♥; GNI (Girly Night In)
Hellow again!

I had a great night yesterday. I went out with Peizz who just got back from Sg to have a catch up.
It was really great, she's one of those people that really lends a listening ear,gives great advice, and doesn't make hasty judgements on something. Going out with her was a breath of fresh air~

When she sent me home,we were outside my house talking bout makeup and stuff.. and we had this oh so random idea to have a photoshoot wtf. We've been talking about taking nice pictures for so sooo long but never got around to it.Lol so yeaa.finally!

It would've been better if we had better lighting (like the natural sun) but since it was so random, we were confined to my cluttered room lol. She asked me to choose an outfit and the makeup will go from there. I chose a nude coloured dress and she went on and tried to do the baby doll look for me (doll i am not) with the nude lips and all lol.

And the hair! serz, she whipped it up in like less than 5 minutes... without any hair products whatever<3.>
Altho i tried my best to do certain expressions.. most of em turned out angry looking.. HAHA. like an angry fairy..

Me with my make-up artist cum hair stylist cum photographer


i love u

I edited the lighting of the pics myself. Am still waiting for Peiz to send me her edited photos.. :)


Oh... i tried the gorgeous wing mascara already. Thumbs down. It seems diluted and i had to put several coatings for it to look DECENTLY thick. Like, 5 coatings of GLW mascara = 1 swap of normal mascara :(:(

One good thing though, it's very light weight hence it doesn't weigh my your lashes. The curls stay the same. But its very very hard to remove! LOL

ToOdles :)

yours truly


15:17 Shimmerloved

Tuesday, 19 May 2009
♥; GDO
Yesterday, we had a girls' day out! Me, brabra, kak, ting, and chien. Missing mam though cuz she had to work. We had an extreeemely girly day wtf and it was fun!

First we went shopping. at Parkson.. so cliche haha. mm. The FIRST thing on my mind was the Majolica frame plus mascara.. but..... to my avail... they only had the old ones..like lash gorgeous wing, and lash enamel etc... T T.
Anywayyy. i still bought it la, the lash gorgeous wing; have yet to use it though. will try it out very soon. => Also bought the Dior Addict ultra gloss reflect in ...hm.. doesnt say on the tube. well some kinda plasticy pink. Initially wanted to buy the Rafia orange, cuz it looks soo good on Fuz lol but settled with this instead.

After shopping we decided to go feel feel at the beach. We were on the way to Marina bay/beach i forgot and passed by this cemetery. Just beside it was a school haha and someone asked

"Why the fen muk so little one?".
Ting's answer was " Cuz its for the principals"

Hahahaha!! farnee no?!

*Cough, anyway... the beach was Really nice and we decided to be more feel and ordered some chilled beahhh..

After that, we went for some mane therapy. The washer boy's massage was the shiznit i tell you. Koibito's is not too bad either la haha.
I ended up with sleek smuuth seelky hair that i love, cuz he actually managed to blow dry my fringe right. haha.

After that, we went back to Kb for dinner at the stalls and that was the best too.=>
When i got home i was presented with yet another surprise....... a new maid wtf! =D Having a new maid sure beats having no maid of course, but i reallly have a phobia after the old fat ass which i Despised!! (she's dirty, lazy, steals, and extreeemely good at lying).

I still insist you should never be too good to a person in the initial stages when you are in the superordinate postion* Nuff said.
Ofcourse by that i don't mean to treat them bad either. I just cleaned Both the fridge together with the new maid (Makita , Mahati, Mahathir??). They're soo clean now haha. *happy tone.

I hope she closes her door tonight. I have a habit of scuttlin around my living room in the middle of the night in search of food and some late night tv lol. Yesterday the clock struck 12 and the rat was about to start the party but yeh... her door was open. Was afraid to switch the lights on or be too loud in case i woke her up. I wanted to have my nightly dose of supplements but without the darn lights I overpoured the cursed thing and left a trail of sticky orange liquid on my floor. T T

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15:14 Shimmerloved

Sunday, 17 May 2009
♥; Hellowww
LOL. i am soo silly. How in the earth did i Not know that Majolica is available in Watsons huh? I was, as usual.. admiring Fuz's looks, and fantasizing(lol) about the lash expander frame plus. I kept thinking it was expensive. but somewhere in the middle i read that it was cheap in Malaysia! Quickly googled again.-------> Rm 53.90 , available from Watsons -.-''
So says koibito's pal too. And and.. im finally getting the L'egere multi white bb cream! haha. hope it'll turn out to be a HG and not a disappointment.

I was reading comments in someone's blog a few days ago. and there was this racist joke wtf. It went something like this:

Did u hear about the black guy who stuck his head out of the car window at 200mph and his lips beat him to death.

HAHAHAH. funny rite?? !

p/s: i am not happy at all despite the tag. HMPH. i am trying my best to be a good one. and i realise i Always succumb wtf. and and.. and.. the prince charming suddenly retorted ( is this even the right word wtf) back to the rat... FML ;_;

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21:24 Shimmerloved

Wednesday, 13 May 2009
♥; B oh B
It's a good day today! :) but why do i feel like my menses is coming soon.. and i just had one. -.-
Anyways. was thinking back to some childhood stuffs and i thought of


Barbie was a big part of my life then. A doll made in the form of an svelte-sexayyyy body with a gorgeous face (i sound like a hamsap ahpek) with an unlimited array of clothes to choose from, an a equally stunning Boyfriend to complement with. It's every little girl's Fantasy i tell you.
" When I grow up I just wanna be just like Barbie!!" hahaha.
Me and yuyu always played dress up with them, and got story plot summore. but normally 80% of the playing process goes into dressing her up. And the plot is usually going shopping or a date with Ken. hahaha. I still remember relentlessly buying bubble gum just to get the Barbie cards inside, equivalent to getting those pokemonwhatshit cards you know! and of course many a times poor barbie also had her head broken and forced back onto her neck and she ended up looking like no neck wtf.

My favourite barbie amongst so many was the 1996 collector's edition Nutcracker Barbie.

googled image lah. where got camera then

She had light honey blonde hair, sweet and soft features, pink lacy frilly tutu with ballet pumps. Nevertheless, i hated those un"mattell" like "fake" barbies, so racist lol. And got one barbie, even though she was from mattel also but at that time i thought she looked so weird. I was going for the All-american girl-next-door kinda Barbie then. And this one, she looked so..... cool..

COOL is Right! and she also looks OH SO CLASSY. why hadn't i realised this before? Ok, the thing is, this is one of the very first generations of barbie, with that sly side-glance look, called Barbie #1. Barbie has gone through an era of evolution and is Still going strong,
and beautiful. Some exciting ones, for me, include, constantly having high-end designers dress for her. Carolina Herrera? Vera Wang? you know what i mean, splitting into different nationalities haha, having starred in various movies.. nah.. not the animation ones. But THIS . GENIOUS i tell u. oh yea. and also having broken up with Ken.. #(#$#*(&$

Haha. ok. my point is, i like the vintage looking kinda Barbie dolls. There's these new high end dolls called Silkstone barbies that feature high fashion clothing and that stealthy cool glance. What's not to love???

Close to You - Carpenter
by the legendary Karen Carpenter. watch the video linked above! breaks my heart.

Update: Hmm, restriction rights on the video. Try this but it starts halfway into the movie. It's barbie's reenactment of some of the best and worst times in her life. watch it!

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16:05 Shimmerloved

♥; Exams :)
YAY!!! had my last day of exams today... ok. yesterday, since it's already tomorrow now wtf.
i have an oral test and a written test for japanese on friday and saturday, but my mind is at peace now:)

The past few days, well, come to think of it, weren't as bad as i thought, i actually enjoy studying during exams.. everything seems to kick in, it's just that stupid PRE-exams stress that drugs me. As usual, i would procrastinate till i'm brave enough to face it, which is, during the exam week, and way too late. Only THEN, i'd suddenly figure out it's all not so bad. But wait!! There's 10hours left till the exam! and i haven't slept! and I Am a self-professed pig..And so, through the week of exams i go through an ironic cycle of panicking... calming down.... panicking summore...
How remorseful. and to think this happens everytime.

Not to mention an unhanded OOA/FA assignment cuz it was only halfway done when the deadline was up and i was scrutinizing it, thinking that it's not good enough, my usual demeanour.

Yeah i forgot the last phase of the cycle, you go into whiny fits of "if only......"
But nah, i'm not gonna do that. Maybe this is Me. I complain and whine, but it's part of who i am. Well, some people Do fare out better under pressured conditions. Ok ok. i do understand that i need to brush up in organising myself wtf cuz my so-called pressured conditions are seriously way under time constraint. But yea, for one, at least i know i've done better in handling myself for exams compared to last sem, and improvements is the way i seek to head godammit

oh yea.. haha.. I was studying inside the common room the other day with another malay gal that i didn't know. She went out for a while and came back with her mobile charger rite, then when she plugged it in and switched it on the godamn table starting vibrating non stop wtf. And i thought to myself, wah.. similan handphone so geng when charge will vibrate. And for so long sumore! If i knew her i'd ask her la but i just sneakily glanced at her a few times cuz i also didn't want her to catch me staring at her when she was flaunting her new generation vibrating charger wtf. At one point shortly before the vibration ceased, her phone rang this nokia theme tune, and she promptly pressed a button to make the tune stop. And i thought to myself again, phone vibrate so long don't see you kim to make it stop, now got a bit of sound then fast fast kim. Anyway, when the vibrating thing stopped i just continued my studying. and it's not after 20 Minutes later before i found out that i had a MISSED call from MY phone which was in SILENT MODE when it was buried underneath my mountain of paperwork! so it was actually MY phone all along that was making the vibrations. no wonder she looked peeved when she shut up her phone. HAHAHAH


01:52 Shimmerloved

Friday, 8 May 2009
♥; Lovess

Picture! After our dinner at Buccaneer.
Borrowed his camera, couldn't help to cam-whore a bit haha

Am wearing my valentine's gift. Swarovski teddy bear pendant:)


I want this! Majolica MajorcaLash expander frame plus. Saw it from Fuz's blog. and i dunno if its the fact that her lashes are already long.. but it seems to do such a good job on her. Me likes. I've seen this in a shop in Gadong.. godamn expensive. I could get it from Mihoko's shop...there's a sale right not according to Fuz.. it's retaling for US 29. so its around BND 42. However, with all those freight charges of wtv... i don't know how much it'll amount to. I never knew those shipping costs could be so blood draining wtf. Last year i sent a package of goodies to Mom using DHL. the package cost 40 bucks lidat. but the godamn charges were like like $70!!. frightening. Anyways. i still have to look around.
Also on make-up want list : L'EGERE multi white bb cream. Ai... haha.

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19:32 Shimmerloved

Thursday, 7 May 2009
♥; 070409
I'm a happy girl with a pink happy bag. hehehe.
Going for an advanced anni dinner with koibito later, cuz have to stay over on saturday for Ting's birthday dinner.
Exams exams exams..Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday. FIVE freaking more days.. and it'll be alll over!! Yes Over!! oklah, not officially over, i still have an oral test and written test for Japanese but that doesn't count cuz i'll actually enjoy revising for that. Not my usage of verb: REVISE. wtf. meaning rite, for all the other subjects, i actually do the Last minute studying. not revising. and I only have 5 more days! WTF

gtg. laterssss

16:53 Shimmerloved

Tuesday, 5 May 2009
♥; Exams
i put this pm in my msn yesterday night:

where's yin- exam=stress=eat=fat.

lol.when i woke up, there was quite a few of ppl that came up wishing luck and all, especially in the middle of the night, when i was fast asleep, but they may be thinking i was pulling an all nighter wtf lol. And that jayden- exam = stress = eat = full = tired = sleep . lmao.

What surprised me was this - exams= stress= eat= fat = more of u to love ;)
from one of my ex-crushes... hahaha. that was quite a few years back but i did like him for a loong time.

*if you happen to read this. don't laugh!

p/s: why am i so sia soi go humiliate myself lol fml


12:38 Shimmerloved

I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com